Optimizing Accessibility and Navigation for Partiful's Past Events Feature.
Figma, Loom
How might we redesign the landing page to encourage more users to explore ‘Past Events’?
The Problem
Solution Goal
Transforming past events into treasured highlights by making them accessible and visually captivating.
Research + Development
What are our success metrics?
More users navigating to past events
More activity (comments, comment replies, photos) on past events
Users connecting with one another from past events
Who are our customers?

Liam is a 21-year-old college student living near a university campus, studying Communications. He is highly social and love attending campus events, Greek life gatherings, and hangouts with friends. Alex is tech-savvy and often uses social apps to discover events and stay connected.
Easily find and revisit past events to relive memories or reconnect with people.
Engage with events through design language that is familiar to GenZ (Instagram feed, SnapMaps, etc).
Stay organized while maintaining their highly social and dynamic lifestyle.
Who did we talk to?
Ideation & Low-Fidelity Prototyping
How did we respond to founder feedback?
After several iterations, the founders emphasized the need to focus on variations of the landing page rather than additional features leveraging past events. Taking this feedback into account, we decided to double down on three distinct versions of the main page, drawing inspiration from Instagram Feed, iPhone notifications, and Snapchat SnapMap, to showcase a diverse range of unique ideas.
To enhance accessibility to past events from the landing page, we implemented infinite scroll, encouraging users to spend more time exploring past events and fostering connections with others.
02_Feed-Based Design
The app lacks a ‘viral factor’ that motivates users to regularly open and engage with its content.
To make Partiful feel more like a social media platform, we designed a feed-style layout that encourages users to shift their focus from just the events to the attendees themselves.
03_Map-Based Design
Interviewees reflect that the app has to offer more than event management. There has to be something more motivating for users to download the app.
To enhance Partiful’s fun brand image, we designed a SnapMap-inspired feature showing past events by location. Animations highlight upcoming parties, and a heatmap visualizes trends, positioning Partiful as a dynamic party management platform with data analytics—a favorite among the founders.